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The Sukosol’s Named "Family of the Year" at 2012 Nine Awards

The Sukosol’s Named "Family of the Year" at 2012 Nine Awards

Sukosol Hotels is proud to announce that it’s owning family, the Sukosols, was presented with the Family of the Year Award at the Nine Entertain Awards 2012 on Wednesday, March 14.

The Sukosol family was selected as the recipient of the award because their matriarch, Mrs Kamala Sukosol, has successfully installed in all family members a strong commitment to philanthropy. In addition, the Sukosol family was chosen as most exemplifying the spirit of the award by way of their public acts of charity and artistic/business achievements. And lastly, all family members were deemed to be upstanding citizens who represent good role models for today’s Thai youth.

“I think it’s a great honour for my mother, Kamala, and our family as a whole to be given this award, we are all very humbled and proud to receive it,” says Marisa Sukosol Nunbhakdi, eldest daughter of the family and executive vice president of Sukosol Hotels. Sentiments echoed by her younger sister, Daranee Sukosol Clapp, vice president of finance, Sukosol Hotels: “Our mother has installed in us from a young age that we should utilise all our skills, opportunities and means to their fullest and give back to society whenever possible. This can be evidenced in our annual Red Cross charity concert and more recently with our entire family becoming ambassadors for the Chulalongkorn Craniofacial Centre and the Ramathibodi Foundation’s Parent–to–Child Liver Transplant campaign.”

The Nine Entertain Award is now in its fifth year and is sponsored by Modern 9 TV, one of the nation’s four most popular public television stations.  The objective of the awards is to praise and celebrate public figures taking on an active and positive leadership role in society. The recipients are chosen by a qualified committee of skilled professionals in various fields, such as television, radio, film and music, along with entertainment journalists, Cultural Ministry employees and mass communication academics.


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